Simona Bartos OM III, Alexandra Grammenos OMS II, Kelly Corbitt OMS II
Localized Tissue Water Content of Male Arms Assessed by Tissue Dielectric Constant (TDC) Measurements

SUMMARY: One in eight females in the United states will develop cancer in her life time (1) but the incidence of male breast cancer is much lower and has been estimated as 1.06 per 100,000 men (2). Because of the relatively rarity of male breast cancer the potential complications such as post-surgical lymphedema have not been well studied. Further, there is essentially no reference data describing the normal amounts and variations of arm tissue water in males. This absence of reference data makes it difficult to determine what levels of tissue water differences between at-risk and contralateral arms constitutes a complication of breast cancer related treatment including surgery and radiation.  

The worldwide variation of male breast cancer resembles that of breast cancer in women, with higher rates in North America and Europe and lower rates in Asia. The mean age at diagnosis for men with breast cancer is 67 years, which is approximately 5–10 years older than the average age at diagnosis for women. As in breast cancer in women, the incidence of breast cancer in men has increased, approximately about 26% over the past 25 years. (3) 

Male and female breast cancers share many common risk factors such as advancing age, family history, BRCA2 gene mutation, and obesity. However others are male specific that include the following conditions. Klinefelter Syndrome which is a condition occurring in men with a XXY genotype, Androgen receptor mutation in which the androgen receptor suffers a change  in structure and proper function, CYP17 mutations leading to pseudohermaphroditism, Cowden syndrome which is characterized by multiple tumor growths and predisposition to certain cancers, mutations in CHEK2, a gene which is activated in response to DNA damage, increased endogenous estrogen levels,  and other testicular disorders. Other factors linked to cancer in general include increased alcohol intake and exposure to oestrogens via diet and household products.

Owing to the rarity of male breast cancer, few epidemiological or clinical trial data are available. Therefore, our understanding of the disease comes from studies of female breast cancer that might be painting an inaccurate picture when it comes to contributing factors, age at presentation, evaluation and treatment strategies. Recent studies show that gender -related differences do exist, therefore, epidemiological and clinical trials are needed to clearly delineate the specifics of breast cancer in males. (4,5)

Men and women may respond differently to therapeutic interventions, drug regimens and their undesirable side effects probably exist. One such effect is the development of lymphedema after a patient undergoes breast surgery. In the U. S., the incidence of cancer-associated lymphedema occurs in up to 75% of cases, depending on tumor type. (6)

Lymphedema once present tends to get progressively worse without treatment and can result in physical deformity, discomfort, pain, loss of mobility, skin breakdown and infection with an overall significant negative impact on the patient’s health and well being. As such, interventional therapy is best when initiated as early as possible. This underscores the need for research efforts to detect its presence as early as possible. Prior work has utilized biophysical measurements to establish normal ranges of reference values that could serve to help detect changes in tissue water in females (7-10).

The purpose of the present research is to develop reference ranges specifically for males. The anticipated utility of such a reference data set is its potential use in the early detection of sub-clinical lymphedema in males diagnosed with breast cancer and to be treated with surgery and or radiation therapy.


1. Desantis C., Ma J., Bryan L., Jemal A.,: Breast Cancer Statistics 2013. Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 2014, 64:1, (52-62)

2. Joli R. et al. Epidemiology of Male Breast Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 2005, pp14-20

3. Gomez-Raposo C., Zambrana Tevar F., Sereno Moyano M., Lopez Gomez M., Casado E.,: Male breast cancer. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 2010, 451-457, Volume 36, Issue 6

4. Lerner, R. and R. Requena (1986). "Upper extremity lymphedema secondary to mammary cancer treatment." American Journal of Clinical Oncology 9(6): 481-487.

5. Callari M, Cappelletti V, De Cecco L, Musella V, Miodini P, Veneroni S, Gariboldi M,  Pierotti MA, Daidone MG: Gene expression analysis reveals a different transcriptomic landscape in female and male breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011, 127:601-10.

6. VanHoose L.D., Paskett E. D., Twasami-Ankrah P., Smith K.M., Wanchai A., Green J.M., Stewart B.R., Armer J.M.,: Systematic review of cancer-associated lymhedema risk factors. Journal of Women’s Health 2013, 22:10 (900)

7. Mayrovitz HN The Standard of Care for Lymphedema: Current Concepts and Physiological Considerations. Lymphedema Research and Biology 2009;7(2) 101-109

8. Mayrovitz HN Assessing Lymphedema by Tissue Indentation Force and Local Tissue Water Lymphology 2009;42:88-98

 9. Mayrovitz HN, Weingrad D, Davey S. Local Tissue Water in At-Risk and Contralateral Forearms of Women with and without Breast Cancer Treatment-Related Lymphedema Lymphedema Research and Biology 2009;7(3):153-8

 10. Mayrovitz HN. Skin Tissue Dielectric Constant Values in Women with Breast Cancer: Pre-Surgery and One Year Post-Surgery Lymphology 2012;45 (Suppl):156-163 (issn 00247766) published June 2013